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Sunday Services at 10:00 on our YouTube Channel. See the Service Schedule below or in Our On-Line E-Bulletin for dates!

We're Open for Business!
There's Something for Everyone! Stop by after liturgy or contact the office for prices and pick-up options available.
Latest News
Tuesday, March 25th, Feast of Annunciation
8:45 am Matins
10:00 am Divine Liturgy
Wednesday, March 26th
4:30 pm Holy Confession
6:00 pm Presanctified Divine Liturgy
Friday, March 28th
4:30 pm Holy Confession
6:00 pm Akathist Hymn-Hairetismi
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Father John will be in office as follows:
Wednesday 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Friday 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm
As needed
Always available by phone. (727)773-5699
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Food Pantry Collection
‘Come, O blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger, and you took me in; Naked, and you clothed me.’ Matthew 25:34-36
We are collecting food items and toiletries to help those in need in our community. Please bring to the church hall on Sundays.
We can also accommodate your schedule and arrange to receive donations on other days.
(Special thank you to our Philoptochos for replenishing the food pantry with food and toiletries bags.
And for the school supplies for a local elementary school and needy children).
+ It is impolite and disruptive to fellow parishioners to take phone calls or text during services
+ Please, set your phone on silent!
+ Since we all have phones/tablets we have the digital text for services in our ebulletin, USE THEM to follow the services and participate. Please, remember, the services of the church are not spectator sports which we attend to be entertained. The fullness and richness of the services require group participation. And our own spiritual growth benefits when we participate with our “whole souls … our minds” and our bodies. So participate! (For your prayerful consideration: Worship in the Orthodox Church by Rev. Fr. Thomas Fitzgerald, GOA and "Oh Lord, I have Loved the Beauty of Thy House: How We Should Conduct Ourselves in Church)
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2025 Online Stewardship
Pledge Form
Give Online Here
Saints and Feasts Commemorated
Hilarion the New; Herodion the Apostle of the 70; Stephen the Wonderworker
Visit the Online Chapel for more daily readings, hymns, a monthly calendar of saints and feasts, and more.