Greek Food & Pastries for Sale at St. Sophia's! Do you need pastries or a pan of pastitsio for the holidays?

St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Church in Winter Haven, Florida, sells the finest Greek food and pastries.
Do you need pastries or a pan of pastitsio for the holidays?
Order your koulourakia, paximadia, melomakarona, kourabiedes, spanakopites, tiropites, pastitsio pans, pastries, and more with St. Sophia.
Contact St. Sophia's today to place your order! (863-299-4523. Or send an email to!

Do you need to special order hard-to-find authentic Greek food or pastries?
St. Sophia has decades of experience and knowledge in locating the best. Plus you will be supporting our Greek church and its ministries with every order. Thank You!

To order or for any questions contact:

Parish Council President
Phone: 863-224-4307
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